
internship & Job Seekers

Finally, Get Your Dream Job.


Are you a student or professional in Africa?

Have you been actively looking for an internship, job or career coaching for more than 1 month?

Have you been unable to get a job, thinking it’s because you don’t have influential connections or something is just missing, but you can’t name it?

We’ve got some exciting news for you!

“In the beginning, I thought I had the smartest CV in the world but now I know that I have the worst CV in the world. Today, thanks to this workshop I discovered a lot of mistakes in mine. I know that this will help me in my career.” – Kigali, Rwanda.

“Joining Prikkle Academy as an Intern, it doesn’t feel like I am working for them, but they are working for me. In 1 week, the advice and idea I got, I used it to apply for a program and I got selected for the first round..” – Alice B. (Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire).

“I got the Operations Manager Role. I haven’t done an interview in the last 10 years, so I enrolled in Prikkle Academy’s Mock Interview Short course and I crushed my interview. Thank you” – Kiambuthi C. (Nairobi, Kenya).

We’ll Be There Every Step of the Way

We know you really want to get a job but things are getting difficult, you feel like you’re struggling for nothing. Now, you don’t know what to do.

We’ve got you covered. Let’s give you the topical tools, resources and support you need to get a decent job globally.


Attend Get Employed Workshop

This is a practical monthly workshop – it happens in fun and exciting online environment and this workshop will help you find your uniqueness, hidden talents, and skills to quickly move you towards getting internships or jobs.


Rework Your Portfolio

You’ll join our post-workshop community, where you get direct feedback and support on your reworked portfolio, till it’s good enough to send out for potential internship and job opportunities.


Get Vetted Opportunities

Our team directly curates vetted jobs, internships and global opportunities from our global partners, that you’ll apply to and improve your chances of getting your desired internships and jobs


Crush Interviews & Get Hired

We work with you, till you get hired – from training, to feedback on your application, connecting you to potential opportunities and employers, crushing the interviews and making a decision on internship and job offers.


“When I saw how my CV turned in, after reworking it, I became confident. The feedback and notes from the facilitator helped me overcome my feeling of helplessness.” Melvin K. – Nairobi, Kenya.

“As a Rise Finalist, I have just received a tech package – I got a 9th Generation Apple Ipad. Thank you for all the workshops, it gave me the push to be anything I could” – Peace T. (Ogun State, Nigeria).

Some ‘Get Employed’ Workshops

Crafting A Compelling CV – Get Your Foot In the Door.

This is for you if you’ve applied for two or more Internships & jobs, but it all came back with rejections or no feedback. Before you make your next application, attend this workshop.

Building An Irresistible Digital Footprint.

Do you want to build an intentional digital footprint with self-awareness, pushing out compelling content with a blend of storytelling for personal, professional and job search success.

Crush Your Interview With Confidence.

This is for you, if you find yourself struggling at job interviews. You lose your voice, unable to speak well, confused about the answer to give and questions to ask the recruiter.


Room 1, KG 31 Ave Benedica Kinyinya.
Kigali, Rwanda.